Benefits of Working with an Interior Designer

Have you ever walked into a space and instantly felt something? Sometimes it’s comfort, sometimes it’s chaos, and sometimes we don’t even know what it is, but we know we like it (or don’t). Design helps create that feeling. Working with us can not only streamline this process, but actually make it enjoyable and best of all - it can save you money!

Avoid buying things you don’t want - and keeping what you do.

We completely understand how easy it is to keep buying things from TJ Maxx because it kinda looks like what we wanted and it’s cheap, right? But over time you’ll realize your space is only halfway what you were expecting, and by now you’ve purchased a bunch of things you don’t even want. By working with us, we can help you choose the items that you’ll want to keep in your home for a long time, and we can show you what it will all look like together, so you can be confident in your decisions.

We will always encourage you to take a look at your space and pay attention to items that you’re keeping just because you think you should. That wall hanging that your aunt gave you with the “live, laugh, love” quote, the ottoman that doesn’t match anything else you have but you love having a place to prop up your feet, or your old nightstands from when you grew up - it’s time to let it go. Why keep taking up space with stuff you don’t love?? We will help you part with what is no longer serving you, and we can also help you bring new life to items you want to keep but don’t know how to incorporate. There’s potential there, and you don’t even need to spend a dime on anything new to find it.

Actually get around to redoing that one room.

You know your bedroom needs work. The paint color bums you out, your throw pillows are mismatched and the whole thing just feels off balance, but who has time for all that? We do. We will tackle the projects that are most important to you first and have you sleeping in peace with an empty to-do list in no time.

Create a space that people walk into and say “wow, I love it here.”

Admit it, you’re a little jealous when you walk into someone else’s apartment and it looks straight out of an Architectural Digest article - but that’s not always what we’re trying to achieve. We prefer our spaces to be “lived-in”. There is nothing wrong with trinkets and chachkies - if they are things you love. What an interior designer can help you with is finding the balance between a museum and a mess. We will find the right place for everything, and design it in a way that honors the principles of Feng Shui, and puts your most treasured belongings on display.

Our goal here at Peaceful Parlor is to help you transform your space into one that feels exactly how you want it to feel and that represents you and your vision clearly. Send us an email and together we will come up with a personalized plan of action to help bring peace to your parlor.


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